Aguadulce Gr
Type Locality and Naming
[Figure 1. The earliest known geological sketch map of the Central Portion of the Isthmus of Panama zoomimg in on the Azuero Peninsula. The map displays the formations known at that time and described by Hershey (1901).]
Lithology and Thickness
Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias (1991) uses the name as a Group and includes in it the (1) Las Lajas Fm (above), (2) Río Hato Fm (middle) and (3) Boca de Chucara Fm (below). These are described as:
alluvium, consolidated sediments, sandstones, corals, mangroves, conglomerates, carbonaceous shales, deltaic type depositions
Conglomerate, sandstones, shales, tuffs, semi-consolidated sandstones, pumice
Alluvium, sand, carbonaceous shales, organic deposits with pyrite, deltaic type.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Upper contact
Regional extent
Depositional setting
Additional Information
- Hershey O.H. (1901)
- Woodring (1960) states “Poorly defined name for surficial deposits. Pleistocene(?)”
- Keroher et al. (1966)
- Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias (1991)Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN) "Tommy Guardia" (1996)’s map keeps it as a Group and includes in it only the Las Lajas Fm (above) and Río Hato Fm (below) in it. There is no mention of the Boca de Chucara Fm and the reason why it was removed from the Group.